Site Fees

The basic cost of selling an item is the listing fee plus the sale transaction fee, plus fees for any optional features and services you may use.

Iscrizione utente Prezzo
User Sign-up Fee $0.00
Listing Upgrades Somma tassa
Home Page Featuring $0.25
Category Pages Featuring $0.20
Highlighted Item $0.00
Short Description $0.00
Listing Images $0.00
Listing Media $0.00
Digital Downloads $0.00
Additional Category Listing $0.15
Buy Out $0.00
Reserve Price $0.00
Make Offer $0.00
Sale Transaction Pagato da [ From (>=) - To (<) ] Somma tassa
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $0.01 - $249.99 3.00%
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $250.01 - $499.99 2.75%
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $500.01 - $999.99 2.50%
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $1,000.01 - $4,999.99 2.25%
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $5,000.01 - $9,999.99 2.00%
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $10,000.01 - $999,999.99 1.75%
Abbonamento negozio Dettagli Prezzo
Starter ricorrenti ogni 180 giorni, annunci 100 $2.95
Basic Seller ricorrenti ogni 180 giorni, annunci 500, Negozio in primo piano $4.95
Power Seller ricorrenti ogni 180 giorni, annunci 1500, Negozio in primo piano $8.95
Premium Seller ricorrenti ogni 180 giorni, annunci 5000, Negozio in primo piano $12.95
Platinum Seller ricorrenti ogni 180 giorni, annunci 10000, Negozio in primo piano $15.95